The tree planting was completed in the pouring rain on Thursday 12 October at a ceremony attended by Chair of the GCP, Elisa Meschini, and representatives from HPERA Andrew Milbourn and Michael Page; and from MRRA Charles Nisbet and Ann Hamill. The Betula Albosinensis 'Fascination' (Chinese Birch) was the last of ten trees to be planted on the central island of the roundabout. They will be joined by 820 shrubs, 2757 ground cover plants and 6237 bulbs which are being planted by Willerby Landscapes on behalf of GCP/Milestone.
The original plans for Milton Road dating back to 2015 had called for the old roundabout to be completely removed, but local residents’ associations joined forces to get those plans reversed so that the landmark green space could be retained and renewed. Last November local residents Ann Hamill and Katherine Copley were invited to give input to the GCP design team to arrive at a planting scheme that, over time, will provide an attractive year-round aspect for residents and visitors, and an attractive haven for wildlife, birds and insects.