We have been negotiating with the contractors Milestone and the project manager from the GCP to try to improve the situation on Milton Road while the roadworks are in progress. We felt the diversions were not clear or intuitive, and the signage rather confusing, and we were concerned that the situation would become even more dangerous once the schools reopened after the summer holidays. GCP and Milestone have agreed to put in place some measures (some are already in place) which will improve matters:
marshalls have been deployed to direct pedestrians and cyclists, especially during peak times. It is not yet clear whether these will still be on duty next week.
refuges in the middle of the roads at crossing places have been enlarged and some may be enlarged further
signage is being further improved, especially at crossing places
we have requested that the crossing over Elizabeth Way should be moved slightly and barriers moved to improve visibility, which has been poor.
We will continue to monitor the situation to try to mitigate issues, but of course there will inevitably continue to be disruption. On the positive side, we do believe that all of us - pedestrians, cyclists, wheelchair users and drivers - will have a better travel experience once the roadworks are complete. The new, smooth and separate cycle lanes are already a big improvement, and it's great to see new trees going in and being watered regularly to help them establish. We also understand the roundabout planting scheme has been agreed and will begin to be put in very soon.
We've also spoken to Milestone about obstructions that would have made some of the pavements difficult to navigate. As you can see from these photos, a BT cabinet was situated in the middle of what is already a fairly narrow footpath near the junction between Elizabeth Way and Milton Road, and on the right two wooden posts had been installed to mark a crossing place near the bus stop opposite the Milton Road shops. We felt that these simply obstructed the pavement and would have made it difficult for two people walking side by side, or anyone pushing a double buggy. Milestone have confirmed that the wooden posts will be removed, and the cabinet will be moved to a new position beside the fence. In addition Milestone has confirmed that zebra crossings and 'Give Way' road markings will be painted on the cycle ways to make clear that cyclists should give way to pedestrians at the crossing places marked with dropped kerbs.