Once again our neighbour Helen Druiff is making up gift bags for children and young people in care who attend Cambridge Regional College. She says:
"Christmas can often be a difficult time of year for our vulnerable young people, especially if they are living in a hostel and/or have no family to share Christmas with. Therefore, we would like to give them something special to open. You could give a cash donations, which we would then use to buy gift vouchers that could be spent on toiletries, food or phone credit, see 9. below.
If you prefer, please donate any of the items on the list below. Please leave you gifts in the clear plastic box by my front door at 43 Highfield Avenue. Thank you so much for your support once again."
Please make your donations by Sunday 26th November to allow time to make up the gift bags and deliver to students before they break up for the Christmas break. You can contact Helen if you'd like to make a cash gift.
Here is a guidance list of things:
1. Sweets
2. Chocolate
3. Small Christmas mugs
4. Hair and body products
5. Hair accessories
6. Funky/fluffy socks
7. Stationery (highlighters, pens, pencils, post it notes, notepad etc.)
8. Little pots of nail varnish/make-up
9. If you can spare a little more, then gift cards of any value (Costa, Starbucks, Amazon, supermarkets etc.)
10. Anything Christmassy
11. Sachets of hot chocolate
12. Packs of playing cards or games
13. Gloves/hats
14. Fidget toys
15. Gift sets
16. Ear phones
17. Small tech gadgets
18. Novelty gifts
19. Reusable water bottles
20. Anything that isn't listed here but you think might be suitable or nice for a young person to receive that could fit in a medium sized gift bag.