Residents may remember that three years ago the ugly hoardings around the building site while the Milton Road Library was under construction were transformed into a joyful artwork by children from Milton Road school. Now HPA resident Ruth Sapsed, who instigated the project, is hoping to repurpose some of the artwork for a large-scale creative project she is creating through the arts and wellbeing charity Cambridge Curiosity and Imagination, of which she is director.
Forest of Imagination comprises a collection of beautiful gauze hangings inspired by trees and the natural world, that will be suspended in an avenue in Wandelbury on 27 November and on Christ's Pieces on 5 December, bookending National Tree Week. Ruth is hoping to turn some of the original drawings created for the hoardings project into some new hangings to be included in the exhibitions - but she needs to raise £480 to cover the printing and design costs. If you'd like to see the children's artwork included in this project, you can contribute here.